Series: New York Kings #5
on July 3rd, 2015
Format: eARC
Source: Author
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Third baseman Drake Schultz is the undisputed bad boy of the New York Kings. So it's no surprise when Major League Baseball suspends him for taking performance-enhancing drugs. Furious with their superstar, the front office issues an ultimatum: either work with their sober companion or kiss the rest of his quarter-billion-dollar contract goodbye. Cocky and arrogant, Drake resists being saddled with a live-in babysitter—even one he's insanely attracted to.
Drake is Eva Sloane's first celebrity client as a substance abuse counselor, and she knows she's in trouble when he starts tempting her at every turn. The way he looks at her is as hot as sin, but she refuses to become his new drug of choice. Slowly, she helps him realize he has to face the demons from his past and heal his tortured spirit before he can even think about satisfying any craving he has for her
Ok I have to start off by saying that I didn’t even KNOW this was a part of a series until AFTER I finished this book. I’m kind of upset by that fact. I wish I could have read the first four books before reading this.
Oh well, that’s fine I guess. I didn’t feel like I was jumping in to a story that’s already in progress when I started this book so that’s a very good thing about this story. It obviously can be read as a standalone. 🙂
Now let’s get to the story: Drake Schultz is the bad boy on the New York Kings. He appears to have been the bad boy on the team. He’s a total jerk to his teammates and doesn’t let any one get close to him. That is until his luck changes and he finds himself being suspended from baseball for eighty games and he’s in neutral territory with the girl that catches his eye every time she’s sitting behind the dugout at one of the Kings’s games.
Eva Sloan is a substance abuse counselor and her newest client is her favorite player from the New York Kings. She’s ready to take on Drake and help him kick his Performance Enhancing Drug habit. Not only that but she’s also taken on the job of showing Drake his worth. He’s more than just a baseball player and she does everything she can to show him that there’s more to his life than just baseball and drugs.
Boy, Drake sure has some serious issues he needs to work through and Eva is all about it, but she totally goes about it the wrong way. It seems that she’s an intelligent girl, but when she does everything she can to get Drake to face his demons from the past, she doesn’t see how dangerous it can be. Every time she pushed the issue of going to Kentucky, I just about screamed at my iPad like, “Are you that stupid, Eva?” Don’t you know what kind of shit you can get both of you in to by doing this?” But unfortunately, characters never listen to me when I yell at this.
Oh well, in the end, it all works out. 😉
Other than Eva being a little oblivious at times, I really enjoyed both of these characters. It was an interesting read and a gives you a good look at the things you forget happen backstage in the world of baseball.
I liked this book a lot and I’m definitely about to check out the rest of the series. I’ll be reading them with the Detroit Tigers playing in the background, as they usually are my background noise during my evening reading in the summer. 😉 Woohoo for baseball romances! 😀
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