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A read about a teenage girl who wakes up in a hospital bed and cannot remember the last six weeks of her life, including the accident that killed her best friend--only what if the accident wasn't an accident?
Eighteen-year-old Jill Charron wakes up in a hospital room, leg in a cast, stitches in her face and a big blank canvas where the last 6 weeks should be. She comes to discover she was involved in a fatal accident while on a school trip in Italy three days previous but was jetted home by her affluent father in order to receive quality care. Care that includes a lawyer. And a press team. Because maybe the accident...wasn't an accident. Wondering not just what happened but what she did, Jill tries to piece together the events of the past six weeks before she loses her thin hold on her once-perfect life.
A read about a teenage girl who wakes up in a hospital bed and cannot remember the last six weeks of her life, including the accident that killed her best friend– only what if the accident wasn’t an accident?
About the Book
Author: Eileen Cook
Pub. Date: June 7, 2016
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Format: Hardcover, eBook, & audiobook
Find it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Goodreads
Eighteen-year- old Jill Charron wakes up in a hospital room, leg in a cast, stitches in her face and a big blank canvas where the last 6 weeks should be. She comes to discover she was involved in a fatal accident while on a school trip in Italy three days previous but was jetted home by her affluent father in order to receive quality care. Care that includes a lawyer. And a press team. Because maybe the accident…wasn’t an accident. Wondering not just what happened but what she did, Jill tries to piece together the events of the past six weeks before she loses her thin hold on her once-perfect life.

With Malice is the perfect beach/vacay/rum and coke night/in Broadchurch binge-watch withdrawals kind of read.
When I read the synopsis of this book, the first thing that popped into my head was the Amanda Knox murder trial. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, here’s the REALLY SHORT VERSION: Amanda Knox, an American study abroad student, and her Italian boyfriend were convicted of murdering Amanda’s British roommate in a scandalous sexcapade gone wrong. Their conviction was later overturned after the incompetency of the Italian police was exposed and evidence was mishandled. I’m not one to get caught up into news stories, but man, oh man. This one pulled me in. With Malice hooked and reeled me in the same way.
With Malice had all the drama and spectacle of an Italian opera; a captivating psychological thriller that examines the most base of human emotions and motivations. The author did an excellent job of working in a few relevant social issues and planting red herrings. The story did an excellent job of examining the influence the media and new technology of the last decade has on high-profile trials, and even puts social media on trial itself. All of this is executed in a masterful way, never moralizing or trite. The author pulls off these similar cultural/social questions as effortlessly as the writers of Broadchurch did.
Bellini’s opera, Norma, is all about love triangles and being stabbed in the back. I think Maria Callas’ 1955 rendition of Casta Diva, the most famous aria from Norma, would be the perfect soundtrack for a book trailer of With Malice. The scratchiness of the un-remastered recording gives it just the right amount of creepiness.
The story world moves back and forth between Italy and a hospital in the States. I really savored the scenes that played out in Italy because the author captures the UGH-ness of hospital life so well in the others.
I was on the fence about the main character, Jill, for the whole book. One minute I was thinking she was a cool, level-headed chick. The next minute I was thinking that she was a biatch, lol. But this was purposeful in order to build the ” I have no idea what to think” frustration-feels for the reader.
The pace of the story is a really slow burn, and I will be honest about the ending. It kind of pissed me off. I felt like stabbing something when all the pieces finally came together. That probably means the story did its job. 😉
Brava to the author for cooking up (sorry, I couldn’t resist) such a wonderfully frustrating and captivating thriller. This book hit the spot after a long and agonizing week of Broadchurch withdrawals I was experiencing. I can’t wait to read what Eileen Cook writes next. ENTER BELOW FOR A CHANCE TO WIN 1 OF 3 COPIES of WITH MALICE, US ONLY!
The below video will totally make sense after reading the book. One of my greatest fears about visiting Italy is driving around on the psycho-roads. Oh, the video also has some pretty pics of towns and other Italian splendor. A vacation for the eyes. 🙂
About Eileen:
Eileen Cook is a multi-published author with her novels appearing in eight different languages.
Her books have been optioned for film and TV. She spent most of her teen years wishing she were someone else or somewhere else, which is great training for a writer. Her newest book, WITH MALICE, will be out in June 2016. She’ s an instructor/mentor with the Simon Fraser University Writer’ s Studio Program.
You can read more about Eileen, her books, and the things that strike her as funny
at www.eileencook.com. Eileen lives in Vancouver with her husband and two very naughty dogs and no longer wishes to be anyone or anywhere else.
Tour Schedule
Week One:
5/30/2016- The Cover Contessa- Interview
5/31/2016- MEREADALOT- Review
6/1/2016- Such a Novel Idea- Guest Post
6/2/2016- A Gingerly Review- Review
6/3/2016- Twinning for Books- Interview
Week Two:
6/6/2016- Just Commonly- Review
6/7/2016- Novel Novice- Guest Post
6/8/2016- Wandering Bark Books- Review
6/9/2016- Literary Meanderings – Interview
6/10/2016- A Dream Within A Dream- Review
Giveaway Details:
3 winners will receive finished copies of WITH MALICE, US Only.
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I’m glad you enjoyed this book. I have a copy but I haven’t checked it out yet! I’ll definitely move it up on my TBR list now!
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
looks awesome
this book looks so great, how come i haven’t heard of it before???? great post! definitely adding this to my tbr!
This sounds really amazing! I already googled the Amanda Knox trial, and it sounds really similar with the premise of this book. I’m definitely going to hear the opera.