ARC REVIEW + GIVEAWAY (US ONLY): We Told Six Lies by Victoria Scott

Posted on December 28, 2018 by Regina | 2 Comments

ARC REVIEW + GIVEAWAY (US ONLY): We Told Six Lies by Victoria ScottWe Told Six Lies by Victoria Scott
Published by Entangled Teen on February 5, 2019
Pages: 352
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
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Purchase Links: Amazon | B&N
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Remember how many lies we told, Molly? It’s enough to make my head spin. You were wild when I met you, and I was mad for you. But then something happened. And now you’re gone.

But don’t worry. I’ll find you. I just need to sift through the story of us to get to where you might be. I’ve got places to look, and a list of names.

The police have a list of names, too. See now? There’s another lie. There is only one person they’re really looking at, Molly.

And that’s yours truly.

Have you ever seen the COMPLETELY ABSORBING AND BRILLIANT film starring Guy Pearce called Memento (2000)? (If not, you should get right on that because you’re a couple of decades behind.) Victoria Scott brings the same kind of mind-boggling magic to her upcoming novel from Entangled Teen.

Memento film (2000). Image from IMDB.

From what I gather via social media buzz in the book world, We Told Six Lies is hands-down one of the most anticipated upcoming releases in young adult fiction for spring 2019. After reading WTSL last week, I can say that all the buzz and anticipation is well deserved.

This novel is perhaps Victoria Scott’s darkest and most daring. Electric emotions and dangerous obsession make for a novel that is impossible to put down. It’s a fast-paced blend of mystery, suspense, and psychological thriller with the intensity and lust of first-love as the driving force behind the male and female MC’s actions.

Although the author’s ability to tackle different forms of storytelling is impressive, I was most impressed by Scott’s prose in this latest novel. The writing is lyrical and poetic; I felt like I was reading a piece of art.

WTSL is going to be a special treat for lovers of plot-driven novels that take your breath away. Seriously, folks. I was turning pages so fast I got a paper cut. Is WTSL on your 2019 #TBTList? I highly recommend pre-ordering this one; it’s sure to fly off the shelves!

ENTER TO WIN an ARC of We Told Six Lies below!

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

About Victoria Scott

Victoria Scott is the acclaimed author of nine novels including FIRE & FLOOD, THE COLLECTOR, and the upcoming WE TOLD SIX LIES (January 2019). Victoria’s books have been YALSA-nominated, have appeared on the prestigious Spirit of Texas Reading Program, and have been included on Bank Street College of Education’s Best Books of the Year list. She’s been featured in USA Today, Girls’ Life Magazine, and Glitter Magazine, and her stories have been translated and sold in fourteen countries across the world.

Victoria is also the owner and founder of Scribbler, the only subscription box for writers, which has been featured as a best box for creatives by BuzzFeed. Victoria holds a master’s degree in business management, and plans to expand Scribbler into an all-inclusive resource for novelists.


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