Publisher: Viking Juvenille

ARC REVIEW: This Broken Wondrous World by Jon Skovron

ARC REVIEW: This Broken Wondrous World by Jon Skovron

July 24, 2015 0 Comments Regina

I didn’t realize this was the second book in a series when I got it for review. Otherwise, I would have read Skovron’s Man Made Boy before diving into TBWW.   This book was like reading a graphic novel for me- something completely out of my comfort zone and my predictable preferences. The fact that I ended up enjoying this book (a lot, actually), makes me question how well I know myself. TBWW is rife […]

A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller

A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller

December 31, 2014 2 Comments Regina

It’s almost been a year since I read this book, but I can’t let the New Year ring in without reviewing it because A Mad, Wicked Folly was one of my FAVE books of 2014. Imagine the lush world created in 1998’s Titanic film or the luxurious settings of PBS’s Downton Abbey, and you  have the story world of  A Mad, Wicked Folly. As if that isn’t enough to make someone run to their nearest […]

NOBLE NOVEMBER: Tarnish by Katherine Longshore

NOBLE NOVEMBER: Tarnish by Katherine Longshore

November 30, 2013 0 Comments Regina

Hoes before Bros. King Henry lost his proverbial head before Anne did. I wasn’t all that impressed or moved by Katherine Longshore’s Gilt as you know if you read my review of it here, but I really enjoyed Tarnish. Where I felt Gilt was a little stiff and read like ages 9-13 appropriate, Tarnish loosened up and felt YA for an older age group. We’re all familiar with the story of Anne Boleyn. She literally […]

NOBLE NOVEMBER: Gilt by Katherine Longshore

NOBLE NOVEMBER: Gilt by Katherine Longshore

November 11, 2013 3 Comments Regina

Jewels, and Bitches, and Boys! Oh, my! If you have watched HBO’s The Tudors, or nurse a love for English history (as do I), than you have probably been drawn to the Gilt, Tarnish, and Brazen books by Katherine Longshore. The stunning covers on the most recent editions of these books invoke a sense of richness and luxury reserved for kings and queens. I appreciate the hours and hard work spent on Katherine’s part to […]