Tag: Alessandra Torre

Review: Tight by Alessandra Torre

Review: Tight by Alessandra Torre

February 27, 2015 2 Comments Christy

Omigosh this book is amazing and is masterfully crafted. When I read the synopsis I just knew I had to read it. It sucked me in from the very first page and had my mind working overtime trying to figure out what would happen next. The suspense in this book is unbelievable. Ms Torre did an excellent job of holding my interest until the end. Every time I thought I’d have it figured out something […]

REVIEW: Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

REVIEW: Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

September 11, 2014 0 Comments Christy

My thoughts… These are my honest thoughts on Black Lies. There has been so much hype behind this book. The book blogging community has sang it’s praises since release day. Some have rated it “Six Stars.” While others have stated it’s “The Best Book of 2014. While I somewhat agree with them, I wouldn’t say it’s “The Best Book of 2014” considering 2014 isn’t over yet. I’m sure I’m going to catch a lot of […]