Tag: Castles

A Murder in Time (Kendra Donovan #1) by Julie McElwain

A Murder in Time (Kendra Donovan #1) by Julie McElwain

January 7, 2017 0 Comments Regina

Does the cover of this book not beckon you to read it!? Yes, I will admit, I judged this book by its cover. I am glad I read the story synopsis and thought it sounded rad as well. This would be a great book to use that Christmas book money on or gift to your bibliophile friends who love murder mysteries, feminist fiction, Doctor Who, and Sherlock Holmes. Strong female lead? Check. Action? Check. Time […]

Bohemian Gospel by Dana Chamblee Carpenter

Bohemian Gospel by Dana Chamblee Carpenter

January 7, 2016 1 Comment Regina

BOHEMIAN GOSPEL WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOOKS OF 2015. “A fast-moving, seductive read. A fascinating mix of dark fantasy and rich historical detail.”  Author of The Bloodletter’s Daughter Like any good book, Bohemian Gospel is a book for all seasons. However, I suggest you hurry and go buy a copy to read now, during the Winter months, so you can cuddle up under a fuzzy blanket by a toasty fire. This book will make […]

Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin #2) by Robin LaFevers

Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin #2) by Robin LaFevers

January 7, 2015 0 Comments Regina

You can check out my review for Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) HERE. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy Dark Triumph like I did Grave Mercy. This second book in the series was close to 200 pages shorter but seemed much longer. To be honest, it was a laborious read for me. Dark Triumph seamlessly picks up where Grave Mercy ends, but we are now looking through Sybella’s eyes. Sybella is a contemporary of Ismae’s. She […]

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1)  by Robin LaFevers

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) by Robin LaFevers

December 29, 2014 0 Comments Regina

I remember the first time I almost purchased Grave Mercy. It was a fateful spring night and under a facade of calmness, I was trying to decide on a book to purchase from Target’s limited selection of YA lit as the clock clicked closer to closing time. The book I had come for was out of stock, so I scanned the section for something else that looked appealing. I HAD to have a book. Going […]

NOBLE NOVEMBER: Tarnish by Katherine Longshore

NOBLE NOVEMBER: Tarnish by Katherine Longshore

November 30, 2013 0 Comments Regina

Hoes before Bros. King Henry lost his proverbial head before Anne did. I wasn’t all that impressed or moved by Katherine Longshore’s Gilt as you know if you read my review of it here, but I really enjoyed Tarnish. Where I felt Gilt was a little stiff and read like ages 9-13 appropriate, Tarnish loosened up and felt YA for an older age group. We’re all familiar with the story of Anne Boleyn. She literally […]