Tag: Divorce

Little Monsters by Kara Thomas

Little Monsters by Kara Thomas

August 10, 2017 0 Comments Regina

PLEASE DO NOT GO INTO THIS BOOK THINKING IT IS COMPARABLE TO PRETTY LITTLE LIARS LIKE THE BLURB SUGGESTS. IT IS SOOOO NOT. I had a love/hate relationship with PLL, mostly after things started to get old and predictable, after the fourth season. But I still watched it, and I was still highly entertained until the last episode. I read The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas, and I liked it. I was intrigued by it, […]

What the Librarian Did by Karina Bliss: Book Review + ASMR Librarian Role Play

What the Librarian Did by Karina Bliss: Book Review + ASMR Librarian Role Play

June 2, 2017 0 Comments Regina

“She’s got a secret that’s long overdue.” I am blushing as I type this review post; but YES, I read a Harlequin Super Romance. As I went through one of the handy self-checkout stations at my local library, I convinced myself that this romance novel was probably going to be a DNFer. The synopsis did not sound especially intriguing to me, but the cover and the title were enough to make me risk my prudish […]

BLOG TOUR+GIVEAWAY: Hear the Wolves by Victoria Scott

BLOG TOUR+GIVEAWAY: Hear the Wolves by Victoria Scott

March 23, 2017 1 Comment Regina

About the Book: Title: HEAR THE WOLVES Author: Victoria Scott Pub. Date: March 28, 2017 Publisher: Scholastic Press Pages: 240 Formats: Hardcover, eBook Find it: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Goodreads   It’ s survival of the strongest in a contemporary, girl-versus-wild middle-grade début from Fire & Flood author Victoria Scott! Sloan is a hunter. So she shouldn’ t be afraid of anything. But ever since her mom left the family and she lost hearing in one ear in a blizzard, it’ s been hard […]

Crank (Crank #1) by Ellen Hopkins

Crank (Crank #1) by Ellen Hopkins

August 4, 2014 0 Comments Regina

I had ulterior motives for reading this book. I was doing research on the correlation between drug addiction and sexual promiscuity among adolescent girls who grew up with an absentee or poor father figure.(Don’t ask.) I really wanted to read something that was structured like a novel after scouring statistical research articles about the topic, and that’s how I stumbled upon Ellen Hopkins’ work. I would not call this book enjoyable but it’s definitely worth […]

Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality by Elizabeth Eulberg

Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality by Elizabeth Eulberg

July 8, 2014 0 Comments Regina

This book made me feel embarrassed to be a Texan. It reminded me of every time I cringe when I see a national commercial showing guys and gals wearing cowboy hats and Wranglers, driving out to their Texas ranches in their Chevy trucks at five a.m. It’s why my cousins in New York can’t believe I drive a Honda and don’t raise cattle for a living. I feel like Texas was demonized in this novel, […]