Tag: Tiffany King

Special Excerpt: Turtle Bay by Tiffany King
I could almost see the tension leave their shoulders. “Look at our Rainbow, all grown up,” Butch said, pretending to wipe away a tear. Unlike the reluctance Buttercup had shown, Butch was all for me getting a job. He appreciated the fact I wanted to work for what I wanted. “Aw, don’t cry, Creston,” I said, patting him on the back. “Butch,” he corrected. “Rain,” I countered. “I’ll never understand why you’d want to change […]

Review: Cross Country Christmas by Tiffany King
My thoughts… Omigosh you guys! I loved this novella!! I’m a big fan of Tiffany King so naturally I had to read this one and I’m so glad I did. The synopsis drew me in and I couldn’t wait to get started. Since this is a novella it’s a short read. I was able to get through it in one sitting. I loved both Jamie & Grant. Although Grant seemed to tease Jamie a lot, […]

Release Day, Review & Giveaway: No Attachments by Tiffany King
My thoughts… I loved, loved, loved No Attachments. As some of you know Author Tiffany King is one of my favorite authors. I haven’t read one of her books yet that I didn’t like. My daughter who’s 14 loves her books too. Although she won’t be reading this one since it’s more New Adult. As with most of Tiffany’s books you can always count on her taking you on an emotional journey. Her stories are […]

Review: Miss Me Not by Tiffany King
My thoughts… Miss Me Not is a tale of a young high school girl whose pretty much abandoned by her family because of a mistake she made when she was 13. She stumbles through life feeling she has nothing to live for. She hides behind baggy clothes and tries to fade into the background and be non-existent. She and her one and only friend James make a pact. They will both commit suicide together. Nobody […]