Hello, fellow Roswell lovers! It’s that time of year again, when we start getting ready to read the wonderful Roswell High books by Melinda Metz that were the inspiration for our favorite T.V. show. The Roswell Re-Watch will follow shortly after the read-a-long starting on September 19. The Read-A-Long will be part of our blog’s month-long theme, Aliens Abducting August, in which we will be featuring reviews of other alien themed Young Adult fiction. We will also have multiple Author Spotlights and giveaways outside of the Roswell books. Here’s how the Roswell Read-A-Long is going to work: We will be posting a short review of each book, and each book is open for discussion in the comments section of each post. We will be posting reviews for two to three books in the original series by Melinda per week. If you would like to be featured as a guest post for one of the books in the series, then please contact me directly via email. You can fill out the contact form for this blog, or email me at We Want A Roswell Movie Facebook page. Also feel free to leave a comment with your email address on this post if you are interested in participating. Please make sure you are following us on twitter, so we can tweet about the books as we are reading them! The Roswell Read-A-Long takes off on Thursday, August 1st.
I will be giving away a signed box set of the first five books in the Roswell series, which you will be able to enter to win all month long. Other prizes may become available, so be sure to check out each post to see where you can enter for the giveaways!
Roswell holds a special place in our hearts, and Erin and I are so glad to have you join us and spread the Roswell love. Here are the twitter handles you should be following:
@clockbirdstar -Regina’s twitter
@chemicalscream– Erin’s twitter
Also, please make sure you have liked our Roswell Facebook and MEReadALot page. Thanks for joining us in the Roswell Read-A-Long!
Grab the button and post it on your blog!
Have you been keeping up with the Roswell Read-A-Long? Click the links below to check out all of our reviews and guest posts about Roswell! Review for the last book in Melinda’s Roswell High series will be posted on Saturday 8/31/2013. Don’t forget to enter to win signed books by Melinda here. Contest ends at midnight on 8/31/2013.

Woo hoo! Let’s do this.