The Salvation by
Melinda Metz Series: Roswell High #10 Published by Simon Spotlight Entertainment on October 2, 2001
Pages: 176
Format: Paperback Source: Purchased by Reviewer Add to your
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B&N The ultimate battle.
Max is out of control. He's lying to his friends, ignoring his family, and has even turned on Liz. Has Max completely lost his mind...or is Max not really Max at all?
Liz hasn't felt connected to Max in a long time -- not the way she used to be. She knows he isn't the guy she fell in love with. There's something else controlling him. Something sinister. Can Liz help Max break free before he's lost forever?
The last two books for the Roswell Read-A-Long were guest reviewed by the awesome Avery Olive, a fellow loyal Roswell Fan. You can check out Avery’ s awesome blog here.
It’ s the end of a ten book long series. That’ s ten books, thousands of pages, many characters, tears and laughter and it’ s all come down to this. The End.
Right away I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this series from start to finish. Some books in my opinion were better than others but the entire thing did not disappoint. I will probably pick these books up again and read through them, remembering just how great they were.
Ms. Metz has written a very well-rounded series. She’ s developed over time, very memorable characters from the fun and quirky Maria, to serious and protective Max, to Liz and her level-headed nature, to Michael, the lost boy whose heart is huge but well protected, to Alex the class clown, the joker, the one that at times holds them all together with one funny line and Isabel, the Queen with a kind heart, quirky nature, who really has a bit of Liz and Maria rolled into her.
But the point is they are memorable. I can close my eyes and remember details about each one. They’ ve been given back story that makes them stronger throughout the series and they’ ve all grown and developed into even better versions of themselves. This is key to a great story, even more important to an awesome series.
The writing was simple, laced with just enough tension, intrigue, action and when the moment called for it, love. She writes a clean story, not heavy with fluff or description but is able to describe the painting through words, describe the characters, their surroundings, and does it effortlessly. When I think about my own writing and compare it to Ms. Metz, this is what I wish to accomplish one day and strive for the talent that she has.
I had my doubts from the beginning, wondering how Ms. Metz was going to carry out an initial story idea for ten books without ruining the flow, the pacing, littering it with boring parts and having the reader lose interest, but I was captivated almost every book and for the entire series.
The ending was perfect. I don’ t want to give away too many spoilers, but everything the books worked towards came to a close with a nice shiny bow in this book. Most all questions were answered, all character motives were made known and came to a conclusion that I can happily say was more than I expected. I’ m truly sad to see this series over.
Max and Liz are able to rekindle their relationship, which I was rooting for during the ten book series. They’ ve had their ups and downs but their romance was a great one with sacrifice, triumph and they truly had to work for the love they shared. They were a great couple!
Michael and Maria… I was always worried about them. Their chemistry is there as you read it, at times, I’ m sure, like me, you wanted to reach into the book and push them together. Well, in this book, they got their moment. It sort of reminded me about the last episode in Season Two of the Roswell TV show. When it all came down it Michael chose Maria. He realized at the last second he couldn’ t leave her. It was a great moment and I cheered for them!
Isabel and Alex aren’ t together, but they are friends. They friendship is stronger. I wish they could have ended up with each other or someone. I know you can’ t always have that.
And the threat. The threat of the last few books was the Collective C. It was tearing Max apart, taking over, turning him into merely a pawn and then at the worst turning him into nothing more than a coma patient on the ready to do their will. But there was always a group of Aliens ready and willing to put their lives on the line to destroy it. DuPris, who as it turns out wasn’ t all bad—well at least only a little—had the right idea–the Collective C must be destroyed. Granted he chose the wrong way to do it, his wishes were carried out. We see how the aliens, being stranded on earth comes full circle in a way and how something that was set out to be done decades before, finally happens.
What I didn’ t like about the series, and maybe had there been more books or a chance to be expanded differently was Clean Slate. It’ s mentioned, it seems to be the first threat, we are introduced to another Clean Slate agent, but then it almost seems like that story line is dropped. I would have liked to have learned a little bit more about it. Kyle Valenti is also someone who I would have liked to have seen more in the book. At times it was like he’ d be given a bigger part but then wasn’ t. Or a few times him just being there was a little too convenient. I think this plot line and character could have been explored just a little but more.
But, all in all, this was a great series. I’ m sad to see it over. I would sooooo like to know what happens next for the aliens. I can envision the series continuing, showing us what happens now that all the threats are gone, that Max has survived his connection to the Collective C and its destruction. That Isabel survived her Akino and was no forced to join… That Michael found love in Maria…
So much more could have happened, I loved this characters that I wish I could see it!
I also know that it’ s always great to end a series on a high not and Ms. Metz as certainly done that!!
Alright, well, for me, that’ s all. I don’ t want to ramble on for pages about how much I loved the series and I don’ t want to accidentally ruin the entire series for anyone by giving too much away, so, I will take my own words and end this post on a high note!
I am and probably always will be a Roswell Fan. Thanks to Ms. Metz for creating a wonderful series, great characters and of course for the chance to see it all on TV!!
About Avery:

Avery Olive is Canadian. She is married and has one child. When she’ s not helping raise her very energetic and inquisitive son, she can be found working on her latest novel–where she devilishly adds U’ s into every word she can.
When she is looking for a break Avery enjoys cake decorating, losing herself in a good book, or heading out to the lake to go camping.
Now that Avery’s got one novel under her belt, as long as her family continues to be supportive, she can find the time, and people want to read, Avery vows to keep on writing.
Represented by Kris Rothstein
Carolyn Swayze Literary Agency
You can check out Avery’s novel, A Stiff Kiss,
here and
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