The Book Boyfriend Battle Royale has come to an end. ..
The winning BOOK BOYFRIEND of MEReadALOT’s First Annual BOOK BOYFRIEND BATTLE ROYALE is….. *drum roll* JAMIE FRASER from the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon!! 🙂 (Bracket Challenge winner is below!!)

The Winner for our BRACKET CHALLENGE that went along with our Book Boyfriend Battle Royale is Duchess (Her winning bracket can be viewed here.)! If our winner can please shoot us an email via our contact form we will work on getting her prize pack to her. 😉
We will DEFINITELY be doing The Book Boyfriend Battle Royale AND Bracket Challenge again next year!! If you’d like to be notified when we start taking nominations for the next BBBR, please join our mailing list, here. If you’d like to be notified of the next BBBR as well as when we post new blog posts / giveaways / etc, please feel free to join our actual MAILING LIST here.
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Book Boyfriend Battle Royale!!! I can’t wait to do it again next year!!
We’ve also been thinking about doing one for the Heroines… Would you guys be interested in one for them as well? Tell us your thoughts!!!
Thanks for having the BBBR and Brackets Challenge it was a new way to get fans focused on not only their books (in support), but a way to introduce some new ones as well! It was fun all around and I think the Heroines one would be just as much fun! =)
I had fun voting. I haven’t read this book but I’m looking forward to voting next year cause I’ll know more of the guys by then. I say def yes to heroines.
YES!!!!!!!! It was a blast and yup our heroines deserve some spotlight too. Staying with the theme, I’ll nominate Claire form Outlander 🙂
Hmm.. I’m not sure what we’ll call the Heroine Tourney. 🙂