Book Boyfriend Battle Royale – Swoony 16! Matches 5 & 6! VOTE NOW!

Posted on May 23, 2015 by Erin | 3 Comments

Jump to: Cole Holland vs The Academy Boys | Gabriel Emerson vs Kayden Owens

The winners from the Swoony 16 round so far are:

Dean Holder
Travis Maddox
Jace Wayland
Jared Trent

Today in the Book Boyfriend Battle Royale we have Cole Holland up against The boys from The Academy!! We also have Gabriel Emerson up against Kayden Owens! Good luck to your favorite book boyfriend! 😉

PLEASE, only ONE (1) Vote per person, per poll. The polls are set up to only allow a person one vote on them. I know there are ways around this, but can you guys PRETTY PLEASE (with sugar on top) not do that?
After you’ve voted, please feel free to comment below and tell us who you voted for and why. 😉 Or if you want, join the Book Boyfriend Battle Royale Discussion Group on Facebook!

If you want notifications on what’s happening with the Book Boyfriend Battle Royale, join our #BBBR Notificiation mailing list here or join our Blog’s mailing list to get updates for the BBBR and our blog :).

Match #5 – Cole Holland vs The Academy Boys


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Match #6 – Gabriel Emerson vs Kayden Owens

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3 responses to “Book Boyfriend Battle Royale – Swoony 16! Matches 5 & 6! VOTE NOW!

    • Oops! I set the closing time wrong when I set up the poll last night (I blame the military time format!). Sorry about that! It’s up and running again though. So please feel free to go vote! 😉

  1. Destyni

    I am a huge bookworm as well and I absolutely adore the Alice in Zombieland series. I am Cole Holland all the way!

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