Countdown Timers

Are you an Author interested in having a countdown timer made for your upcoming release? Please go here for information on pricing! 🙂

Bloggers:Want a widget made for a book you’re anxiously awaiting to display on your blog? I do take requests and will make them for bloggers when I’ve got some free time. Fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page and if/when I find the time I will make you a countdown timer for a book you’re looking forward to. 🙂 Bloggers – These countdown widgets will NOT work on your hosted blog. I’m really sorry about that but they do not allow embeds of any kind on their servers. :/


Contact Me

[contact-form-7 id=”16284″ title=”Countdown Timer Request Form”]


7 responses to “Countdown Timers

  1. You are offering a lot of beautiful countdown widgets/Available now and I am interested in a few like Carve The Mark & Kings Cage. Do I understand it right, that they are free for bloggers? And I would like to know if I can use them on the platform Blogger where I currently have my blog. Or are your widgets only for use on WPorg?

    Thanks a lot for your time and answer

    Best wishes
    Vi Ebner

    • Hello!
      Yes, they’re for the taking! They should work on all website platforms (blogger included)! The only platform they will NOT work on are blogs hosted on wordpress.COM!

      You should be able to copy the code below each countdown and paste it wherever you want to have them displayed on your website. 🙂

      Thank you!

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