Saturday Night Shrine: Ian Somerhalder+Giveaway!!!

Posted on January 4, 2014 by Regina | 11 Comments

In a fictional world, Ian Somerhalder is my leading man.

Ian Keep Calm

The Rules of Attraction. That’s the first time I ever knowingly set eyes on Ian Somerhalder. “Who’s the hottie with the eyebrows!?” I asked my college roommate after watching the preview on the pc before she dragged me to see the movie. ” I don’t know, but it’s at the dollar cinema across from campus so we’re going.” “Okay,” I said, “but I’m only going to see it because of “eyebrow dude.” Those rustic eyebrows and ”Smolderholder” eyes got me off my ass, and made me brave the dark, dank, sticky-seated theatre that boasted ”almost new” movies for a buck. I remember sitting close to the back, away from sketchier folk than myself who were noisily eating and conversing over boxes of 12 inch pizzas. I may or may not have brought my own Subway sandwich into the theatre with me.

Ian Rules


Ten minutes into the film, eating was no longer on the agenda. Ian’s panty-dropping good looks lit up the screen, and I knew a life-long internet-stalking love affair had begun. Ian’s adventures in acting have proven him a versatile leading man who has no shortage of character and talent to bring to the table. Ian’s portrayal of a grieving boyfriend in the dark comedy Wake (2009) was one of the funniest low-budget films I’ve seen in a while. His acting was fresh and genuine, and his comedic timing rang bells. I saw this film last year, so it was nice to see him toned down and fresh-faced; out of vampire mode and in the role of a fragile human. It’s a strange gem of a film if you haven’t seen it, and I definitely recommend it for any Somerhalder fan.  Horror film Pulse and television movie Marco Polo are a couple more lesser known dynamic roles that Ian has under his belt, and his appearances in Lost and Smallville were such a tease. When The Vampire Diaries came out I finally had Ian where I wanted him; on my television, every week. Ian’s execution of the character Damon Salvatore on TVD sings to the blood in my veins, and it’s obvious that Ian was born for the role. Those dark and primal, sarcastic and sexy qualities that comprise Damon Salvatore have me wondering if Ian’s portrayal of this dark knight is the muse for many an author’s leading male characters.

Bite Me Ian

As much as I’d like to objectify Ian all day (every day), I’m reminded that this humble hottie has the brains to match his braun, and a heart of gold that beats them both. As if Ian wasn’t versatile enough, he also champions animal and human rights. He established the ISF (Ian Somerhalder Foundation) in 2010 for his 32nd birthday, and has made it a priority to engage his fans in his endeavors to make this world a better place. I’m sure you thought Ian couldn’t get any hotter than he already is, but when I found out that ISF also has a book club, I combusted. Ian just got 50 Shades Hotter. Ian reads. A lot. And that is waaaay sexy.  You can find out more about the ISF book club here, and join the ISF Goodreads page here. I think we can all agree that Ian’s face makes this world a better place as it is, but he also recently launched a business with his brother called Built Of Barnwood. The business sets out to re-purpose, recycle, and reuse building materials to create one of a kind pieces for customers. These are just a few of the many ways that Ian hopes to leave the Earth a better place for future generations.


Humanitarian, actor, model, entrepeneur; these top the list of Ian’s many talents. Ian has been the face of most of my Book Boyfiends this past year, so I’m  adding this to his resume. Ian Somerhalder; Book Boyfriend Extrordinaire. Here’s a few of the Book Boyfriends he’s been for me this year:

Ian as Green

Ian as JackIan Surrender

You can find my review and more pics of Ian as Alex in Surrender, here. You can find my review of the Freak House series here, along with more pictures of Ian as Jack.




Ian looks to be getting better with age, and I want to pay it forward out of gratitude for his sultry good looks. I’ve decided to donate to the ISF. If you’d like to donate to this awesome foundation, follow the link and find your bliss. Wouldn’t it be awesome to make an impact and raise 1.000 bucks (or more) for ISF?! If you make a donation, please let us know by dropping a line in the comments below.

Ian Candy

 What Book Boyfriend would YOU cast Ian Somerhalder as? Leave a comment below, and ENTER TO WIN one of Ian’s early films: RULES of ATTRACTION!

Rules of Attraction dvd

a Rafflecopter giveaway


11 responses to “Saturday Night Shrine: Ian Somerhalder+Giveaway!!!

  1. Bella Carstairs (aka Maria Isabel)

    Hmmmmmm…let me think…I think he’s playing Damon Salvatore very well…but he could be Jericho Barrons from the fever saga by Karen Marie Moning too!

  2. Victoria

    Ian is my Dorian from SL Jennings Dark Light series… in my head when I’m reading about Dorian all I can see is Ian.. the man is gorgeous!

    • This series has been on my ”To Read” list. I might have to get to it sooner so I can imagine Ian as the male MC. Thanks for the rec!

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