In honor of our First Blogoversary, which we are celebrating this month, we are giving away some autographed goodies! The next book up in our blogoversary celebration is Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol! Please enter via the Rafflecopter below!
Review Revisited:
Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol
Series: Kricket #1
on December 16th, 2013
Genres: Dystopian, New Adult, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Young Adult
Pages: 287
Format: eBook
Source: Amazon, Purchased by Reviewer
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All she wants is a home, but can she find one…UNDER DIFFERENT STARS
Kricket Hollowell is normally not one to wish upon stars; she believes they’ re rarely in her favor. Well versed at dodging caseworkers from Chicago’ s foster care system, the past few years on her own have made Kricket an expert at the art of survival and blending in. With her 18th birthday fast approaching, she dreams of the day when she can stop running and find what her heart needs most: a home.
Trey Allairis hates Earth and doubts that anyone from his world can thrive here. What he’ s learning of Kricket and her existence away from her true home only confirms his theory. But, when he and Kricket lie together under the stars of Ethar, counting them all may be easier than letting her go.
Kyon Ensin’ s secrets number the stars; he knows more about Kricket’ s gifts than anyone and plans to possess her because of them. He also knows she’ s more valuable than any fire in the night sky. He’ ll move the heavens and align them all in order to make her his own.
When everything in their world can be broken, will Kricket rely upon love to save her under different stars?
Erin’ s Review:
Hello Ladies! There’ s a new alien in town and he’ s here to collect all of our hearts!
Yes, Yes it is. His name is Trey Allairis and it didn’ t take long for him to have me swooning all over the place! While he’ s not actually referred to as an Alien, He does mention being from another world and to get to said world they have to travel through a worm hole. If that doesn’ t scream ALIEN, I don’ t know what does.
Ah, since I mentioned Trey, excuse me a minute:
Ok, I think I’ m good for a minute.
I started reading Under Different Stars on Monday and thank the (different) stars (ha!) that I had Tuesday off, because I finally gave the book a rest when I could barely keep my eyes open. I was instantly sucked into the story and I did not want to stop reading!
This book was incredible, from the unique Etharian slang they used to the swoon-worthy Trey Allairis . The characters in this book were amazing and the world that Amy built for us..was a lot like ours, but yet so very different. I’ m finding it difficult to put into words how much I loved this book, but I will try!
Kricket was smart, funny and the good kind of sassy. She wasn’ t at all annoying like some Sass-filled protagonists come off as. Having lost her parents early on in life, she’ s had a rough upbringing and she’ s doing all she can to stay off the radar and away from the DSS until her 18th birthday. After the life she’ s lead and the situations she’ s already had to endure, she can handle anything that’ s being thrown her way..and she proves it to you in this book.
Trey is..I have no words for Trey. I just know I’ m in love with the boy. At first you don’ t know whether he’ s the good guy or the bad guy… and then Kyon and his goons come into the picture a bit later and you know, YOU KNOW, that Kyon and company are NOT the good guys.
Reading this book and experiencing the relationship between Kricket and Trey grow was a beautiful thing. At times Trey tried to keep her at arms length and other times he gave in to the attraction. Finally he pretty much said “to hell with it.”
“We have to make the stars align for us now– find a way for us now to get burned for being together.” – Trey to Kricket
Trey’ s and now Kricket’ s friends, Jax and Wayra, were absolutely freakin’ amazing! Kricket instantly clicked with them, and they with her. They were so very entertaining. Trey, Jax and Wayra were all in AWE of Kricket and I can tell that they will do anything and everything they can to protect Kricket in the future. I can’ t wait to see what happens to these Four in the next book. I know they’ ll be able to handle just about anything..
I highly suggest you check this book. I don’ t think anyone will be disappointed with it at all. It’ s a great book full of entertaining dialogue, amazing characters and a lovely romance. It’ ll also keep you on your toes and you won’ t be able to put it down until you finish it and even then you’ ll be wanting more!
Remember how I said there was Etharian Slang? Well this review comes with the Unofficial Etharian Dictionary.
I got about 75% through with this book when I realized that maybe it’ d be a smart thing to start documenting the strange words that Amy has created for her Etharian world. I went through the book and got as many as I could remember and then set to defining them and building a glossary for the book. Thanks to Amy A. Bartol for going over my glossary and defining some words I wasn’ t clear on. She also gave me some extra words that ended up being cut out of this book but might end up appearing in the sequels!
US Only
I have read all of the Premonition series so far and I am SOOOO in LOVE!!!!
I have not read Under Different Stars, yet. It is patiently waiting on my Kindle TBR, but I am completely, head over heels in book love over the Premonition Series. Anxiously awaiting the release of Iniquity.
I have read ALL of Amy’s books
Inescapable was the very first book i ever chose without the guidance of my best friend. i think i did a great job choosing Amy and now almost 3 years later i have the confidence to read what ever i want because Amy’s book are so incredible…thanks for the giveaway
I really like what I read about this book. It is something that I would be very interested in reading. I haven’t read anything from this author prior to this but will be on the lookout in future for her work. Thank for this opportunity.
I have read everything I can get my hands on by Amy. I don’t own any of her books but its at the top of “Books I wished I owned” list. Huge fan of hers. Thank you so much for this giveaway. I didn’t even know this book in particular was available in paperback format. I loved your review! My thoughts exactly. Thanks!
I have read the “Premonition” series and am currently in the middle of reading “Under Different Stars.” I can’t seem to put down Amy’s books. I think I’m addicted. :oP
Under Different Stars and the Premonition series are on my TBR list!
I have read every one of Amy Bartol’s books! I LOVE THEM ALL! She is MY #1 Favorite Author! I have told so many people about her books and I won’t stop! haha!
I have read Under Different Stars & I loved it, one of my fave books. So freaking good, can’t wait for the next one!
Love the giveaway – especially for any of Amy’s books!
I’m Amy’s biggest fan! :0
No, Under Different Stars will be my first Amy A. Bartol book.
I’ve read everything Amy’s written. Her Premonition Series is one of my favorites! I loved Under Different Stars — I can’t wait for the next book.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Yes! I loved her Premonition series!!!
I haven’t read any of her books this would be the fist.