Genre: Erotica

Review: The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre
This book is a little different then any I’ve read. The synopsis caught my attention and I thought I’d give it a shot. It’s definitely different. I do believe it was self published first and then picked up by a publisher after the author rewrote some of it. I really liked it for the most part. There were a few things I found to be a little bit unrealistic, but not so much that I […]

RELEASE DAY and REVIEW: The Sinner’s Bargain by Claire Contreras
My thoughts… I have been so excited about the release of this book. The Devil’ s Contract ended on such a huge cliffhanger. I mean huge. If you read the review I posted for it then you may remember that I was a bit upset with the fact that the book ended with a cliffhanger and that as a reader I had no prior knowledge of the fact that there would be a book two […]

REVIEW: Black Lies by Alessandra Torre
My thoughts… These are my honest thoughts on Black Lies. There has been so much hype behind this book. The book blogging community has sang it’s praises since release day. Some have rated it “Six Stars.” While others have stated it’s “The Best Book of 2014. While I somewhat agree with them, I wouldn’t say it’s “The Best Book of 2014” considering 2014 isn’t over yet. I’m sure I’m going to catch a lot of […]

REVIEW: Red & Wolfe – Part Three
My thoughts… I’m torn with my thoughts on this one. On one hand the sex was REALLY HOT. Although, deciding you’re gonna have anal sex with a woman that’s never had anal sex and just shove your junk in there without warning or the use of lube is a bit…. Rude? Wrong? Ridiculous? Mean? Hurtful for the love of God? I’m sure I can come up with a few more words, but I think you […]

Review: Red & Wolfe – Part Two
My thoughts… Who knew Wolfe is sex on a stick. Holy wow this second part was HOT! Wolfe is growing on me. The chemistry between these two is off the charts. The sex they have is scorching! I seriously had to fan myself a couple times. The story itself is getting more and more intriguing. I’m not sure where it’s headed or where it’s going to end up. I can’t wait to see though. I’m […]

My thoughts… I’m reading another serial as you can see. It’s a completed serial so there’s my excuse. This installment is approximately 52 pages. I was able to read it really quickly. I found both Red & Wolfe intriguing. Red has had some bad luck lately and is running out of funds. She’s getting to the point of being desperate. As hard as she tries she can’t seem to find a job for nothing. I […]

REVIEW: Little Black Book by Tabatha Vargo & Melissa Andrea
My thoughts… First off I cannot believe this full length novel was only 99 cents when I bought it. After just finishing it I’m sitting pondering this. I really loved this one. The synopsis grabbed my attention and I knew I had to read it. The plot is unique and once I got started reading I had a hard time putting it down. The characters were all intriguing and I enjoyed getting to know each […]

REVIEW: Alpha by Jasinda Wilder
My thoughts… I’m honestly torn on my thoughts for this book. The plot is unique, but the story itself has been told before. The heroine is not only naive, but she is very foolish. Who trusts a man they’ve never met or never even seen before? The hero demands she be blindfolded upon them first meeting face to face. He doesn’t give her his name. She doesn’t know what he looks like. She’s blindfolded yet […]

RELEASE DAY and REVIEW: Rogue by Katy Evans
My thoughts… Woah! I’ve been wondering about this book. I wondered whether Ms Evans could write a book that could compete… Or should I say be of the calibre of Real, Mine, and Remy. One that had characters I would love as much as Remy & Brooke. One that would be a great addition to this awesome series. Well, after having read Rogue I can honestly say that Ms Evans nailed it. The story flowed […]

REVIEW: Pulse: Part Four by Deborah Bladon
My thoughts… Ah… The final installment of the Pulse serial. I have been dying to get my hands on this little nugget. Part three ended with another cliffhanger of course, but it was an unbelievably good cliffhanger. It made me need part four like right now. The wait was sheer torture. Especially considering that I had assumed part three would be the end. Anyway, I was so excited to start this one. I had to […]

REVIEW: My Hunger by Lisa Renee Jones
My thoughts… Ah…. more Mark Compton. I wasn’t really a fan of his in the first book or two, but eventually I warmed up to him. He’s your typical dom. Hot, rich, and in total control at all times. Well, he seems to have developed a little loss in control in this novella. It was sort of enjoyable to see his control shaken a bit where Crystal was concerned. There’s a story behind her that […]

REVIEW: The Intern, Volume 2 by Brooke Cumberland
My thoughts… Picking up right where Vol 1 left off, the story keeps getting more interesting. I can kind of see where it’s all going, but am unsure on a few things. I devoured this volume. Couldn’t put it down. The sex was really hot, well written, and plentiful. The chemistry these two share is really strong though at times I sort of found myself wondering how Ceci could pull off portraying a woman older […]

Book Review: The Professional by Kresley Cole
I’ve read a lot of not-so-good reviews for this book but I don’t care…. This book was SMOKIN’ HOT and very entertaining. It’s giving me hot flashes just remembering back to when I read it last month. Holy hell. Aleksei “The Siberian” Sevastyan puts Christian Grey and his Red Room to shame. Grad Student, Natalie Porter, and her search to find out about her Birth Parents leads her in to the Russian Mafiya. All The […]

REVIEW: Pulse: Part Three by Deborah Bladon
My thoughts… OMG! Another cliffhanger!!! I thought for sure that part three would be the final part of this serial. I was wrong. *sob* Ok so this part was sort of blah. I sort of feel like it was a filler. Nothing really seemed to be going on until the end. When the end got here though….. Wow! Another freaking awesome cliffhanger. I have to have part four now. NOW I tell you! I can’t […]

REVIEW: The Seduction 2 by Roxy Sloane
My thoughts… I have mixed feelings about this one. While there was a great twist in the plot that makes this story all the more interesting, I couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed in the overall content. I understand this is an erotic serial. I expect sex. Explicit sex. The sex within this one though was a little over the top. Vaughn almost seemed cruel at times sexually. I don’t know why, but I […]

REVIEW: After This Night by Lauren Blakely
My thoughts… This is book two in the Seductive Nights series and I think I liked it more so then the first. There seemed to be a lot more going on in this one. I guess it may be because it’s the final book and that things needed to be tied up at the end. Book one ended with a cliffhanger so I was really excited to start this book. I wanted to see how […]

REVIEW: Night After Night by Lauren Blakely
My thoughts… Dang! This book is hot. I own a couple books by Lauren Blakely. Sadly I haven’t had a chance to read either of them so this the first one I’ve read by her. I really enjoyed it. The sex is majorly hot, plentiful, and well written. The storyline is unique and captivating. I liked both Clay & Julia. The intense attraction between these two and passion they shared was unbelievably hot. I had […]

REVIEW: The Seduction 1 by Roxy Sloane
My thoughts… Wow! Being totally honest here my first impression was that this was going to be a serial that didn’t stand out. I can’t say I didn’t like the hero, but I didn’t love him either. He was pretty bossy which is to be expected, but I think his actions were a little out there. Maybe a little unrealistic in the fact that he kept showing up conveniently. Especially for someone that was a […]

REVIEW: Veiled Innocence by Ella Frank
My thoughts… OH!!! What an awesome book! I loved, loved, loved this one. This is the first book I’ve read by this author. I read a few reviews and heard a lot about it on twitter and decided to give it a shot. I’m so happy I did. I’ll admit the synopsis on Goodreads is a bit vague so I really wasn’t sure what to expect, but once I started it I was drawn in […]

REVIEW: Reasonable Doubt: Volume 2 by Whitney Gracia Williams
My thoughts… I was so excited to read this one. It’s fast paced from beginning to end and really HOT! Only negative is that I wish it was longer. That was the case with part one. I think the overall story would be better written as a full length book, but that’s just my opinion. Up next is part three which is the conclusion. I can’t find to find out how things end.